WeAreLIME is a group of Christians committed to Loving Individuals More Everyday.

It is our hope that through our lifestyle of intentional, sincere, creative, and persistent displays of God's love might help the world know His one and only Son, Jesus Christ.

Tonight, October 31, 2015 we will be at Oakwood Baptist Church, Lexington, SC with a Construction Game called "God at Work".

More about these signs will be posted on our Facebook Page this week. www.facebook.com/LIMEdotMinistries

He has a plan. A plan to bring glory to His Son, Jesus Christ, though Whom humanity can be rescued from the consequences of being unlike His perfection and doing things He would never do Himself.

Life is journey and there are many miles to travel. God gives us His flawless word to give us guidance.

When our journey ends we will stand before God to give an account of our lives. It is at this point our eternal future is set.

God's timing is perfect. He gives us seasons to slow down and notice His good work. He even gives us times to stop and rest in His company.

God is good and doesn't desire to harm us. And so, He will allow detours to direct our paths around potential pitfalls.

With life's journey we need to expect the unexpected. Part of our preparedness is knowing God is always there during uncertainty.

God gives us His word as a foundation that is stable and true. It keeps us from losing traction and crashing off course.

In life there will always be stress. The tightening of a narrow road of sorts. Jesus allows our burdens to be light as He carries our load.

These roads need to be shared. Thankfully, God gives us earthly relationship so we can understand Him better.

These bodies sure do age, hurt, get sore, and try to return to the dust from which they were made. God promises a new body for those in Christ.

GPS doesn't always get us to our destination. Sometimes doors open and close as God directs our paths for His divine purpose.